• Our


    We strive to help organizations meet the challenges of the moment, and anticipate the future. We translate big issues that require broad expertise and insight into the fundamentals of insurance and risk management. We measure our impact through triple bottom line value creation. We embrace diverse perspectives and approach sustainability as a journey rather than a target. We respect our clients confidentiality and act with utmost integrity and professionalism.

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  • Our Process



    A deep dive, to clarify the issues, risk and opportunity. Generally at our own cost. Often initiated by us. No commitments other than access to the right people and reasonable time for discussion.



    Checkpoint: do we jointly see value in proceeding? If so, we collaboratively define the issues, objectives, targets, timelines, people and resources. If not, we respectfully move on and maintain strict confidentiality.


    Fee Structure

    In the spirit of a true partnership, we're invested in delivering results. Nearly all our contracts retain some performance risk, blending base fees with value-based pricing, incentives tied to targets, and/or JV profit sharing.



    We engage as broadly as necessary across an organization, its key people and functions, its business units and markets, and its external stakeholders. And we deliver by integrating all necessary expertise - including through our extensive network of affiliates - to simplify a client's workflow.


    The Long Game

    Sustainability is a journey. The most successful partnerships are often built for the long haul. Strategies, programs and knowledge must continuously adapt to remain on-point. Building a client's in-house capacity is essential, and takes time. We're a trusted resource for evolving needs.