• We accelerate sustainability by leveraging the expertise and influence of the insurance sector -

    creating lasting value for our clients, and our world.


  • About

    Bushnell Mueller is a leading global advisory firm dedicated to helping the insurance sector translate sustainability into risk and opportunity. We are a trusted advisor to insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries - and a bridge to their stakeholders in industry, capital markets, government and society. 


    Who We Are

    We are insurance and financial sector professionals. Business strategists. Sustainability thought leaders. Policy and regulatory experts. Engaged global citizens. Agile collaborators. A diverse group of leaders, united by a passion to deliver for our clients and positively impact our world.


    "Our purpose is to create lasting value for our clients, and our world."

  • What We Do

    We work across sectors (P&C, Life/Annuity and Health) and lines (commercial and personal), industry players (reinsurers, carriers, intermediaries), core internal functions (operations, claims, finance, legal, marketing and underwriting) and key external stakeholders (vendors, customers, regulators, investors, analysts, rating agencies, etc.). Our clients rely on us for advisory services and knowledge management. We also function as a forum for dialogue between the industry and partners in government, the marketplace, and civil society.


    "Our mission is to help the insurance sector lead the way to a more sustainable future."

  • How We Work

    We build genuine partnerships - with our clients, within the firm, and across public and private sector stakeholders. We don't bring an agenda - instead we listen, learn, find solutions and create value in the unique context of each client and project. We strive to help organizations meet the challenges of the moment, and anticipate the future. We translate big issues that require broad expertise and insight into the fundamentals of insurance and risk management. We measure our impact through triple bottom line value creation. We embrace diverse perspectives and approach sustainability as a journey rather than a target. We respect our clients confidentiality and act with utmost integrity and professionalism.

  • Governance

    Bushnell Mueller is headquartered in the United States as a Washington, DC limited liability company ("LLC"), organized as a partnership under 26 U.S. Code § 761 . Bushnell Mueller may refer to one or more of Bushnell Mueller LLC, legally separate and independent member firms, and their related entities. Our governance model is based on a managing partner elected by the partners, a partners council, and external advisory board.



    Stephen G. Bushnell | Managing Partner |   CV


    Stefan E. Mueller | Senior Partner |    CV   

  • Join Us

    We are powered by curious and motivated young leaders, experienced professionals, and specialized experts across disciplines. Our flexible operational model is designed to integrate and invest in individuals, help grow and service a network of independent affiliated practices, and leverage partnerships with a variety of highly respected and well-established organizations. Collectively, we are a diverse team of collaborators, united by a passion to advance our shared mission.


    For professionals, send your CV to careers@bushnellmueller.com to learn more about available opportunies.


    To partner with Bushnell Mueller or become a member firm, please use our contact form.  

  • Contact us to explore how we can help you.


    Images via Unsplash: Kraken Images, Rodeo, Jeremy Bishop, Ian Schneider, John Schnobrich